Where would you go?

Desley Jane from Musings of a Frequent Flying Scientist asked us where we would go to if money was not a concern. The question immediately reminded me of a book I read a few months ago in which German journalist and winner of 500.000 € in the German edition of ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ Meike Winnemuth reports from her trip around the world.

Rather than embarking on a classic, sightseeing-packed backpacking adventure, she chose twelve different cities and spent a month in each of them (nearly) as if she was living there. Her destinations were Sydney, Buenos Aires, Mumbai, Shanghai, Honolulu, San Francisco, London, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Tel Aviv, Addis Abeba and Havanna. The book (unfortunately only available in German) gives unique and very personal insights into these cities and they way she interacted with them, enjoying some more (Sydney, Buenos Aires) and some less (Mumbai, Barcelona). And reading it, I could not resist to make my own list of twelve places I would like to spend a month at if I could.

January: Sydney, Australia

I have never been to Australia, and Meike Winnemuth’s description of the city tempts me to visit just as much as Desley Jane’s pictures do.

February: Gaborone, Botswana

The only country in Africa I have seen so far is Malawi, so I would surely want to add a bit more of that continent to my dream itinerary. And ever since we saw a documentary about Botswana on the French-German culture channel Arte, that country has become one of my dream-destinations-if-we-could-afford-it. (The documentary said it was a very expensive travel destination.)

March: Tel Aviv, Israel

Tel Aviv is a place I would like to visit just because I have no idea what it would feel like to be there. It is in the book too but I think that actually being there would be an entire different story than reading a report.

April: Istanbul, Turkey

For my first European destination, I would choose Istanbul. I imagine that it is a city with a lot to discover, European yet different from the rest.

May: St. Petersburg, Russia

I do not understand Russia, and that is precisely why I want to visit.

June: Hanoi, Vietnam

Hanoi would be high on top of the list

Hanoi would be high on top of the list

This is the first place on my list that we have been to before. The vividness and drive of this city, the contrast between old and new and the emerging market economy make me wish to spend more time there. I might be convinced to choose another growing and changing South-East Asian city (Mr. Colors always prefers to see a new place over revisiting somewhere we have been to before!). But Hanoi is far up on top of the list and following the Hanoi-based photography blog Without an H re-enforces that position again and again. Vietnamese food might play a role too.

July: Seoul, South Korea

Before changing her plans and going to Shanghai instead, Meike Winnemuth had dreamed of spending a month in Tokyo. I share that curiosity for spending time in a modern Asian society that adopts technology faster than we do in Europe. But since we have been to Tokyo before, I would choose Seoul as my destination.

Skyscrapers and Japanese ads, I would love to see how South Korea compares to Japan - Olympus PEN EPL-3, 42mm (84mm equivalent), f7.1, 1/160, miniature art filter, cropped

Skyscrapers and Japanese ads, I would love to see how South Korea compares to Japan – Olympus PEN EPL-3, 42mm (84mm equivalent), f7.1, 1/160, miniature art filter, cropped

August: on a boat or train

If I could, I would dedicate one month to slow travel somewhere where the landscape is great and the weather in August bearable.

September: New York, USA

Having already visited New York in blistering summer heat and ice cold winter, I would like to return to this city at a more pleasant time of the year.

October: some island in the Caribbean

Sunshine, white sand, turquoise water. Do I need to say more?

November: Valparaiso, Chile

Since rules are made for breaking, I would only pretend to live in the city for a few days, and head off to explore the South of Chile for the rest of the time.

December: Reykjavik, Iceland

A month in the dark with candle lights and Christmas decorations and a chance to see the Northern lights would make a quiet ending for this imaginary year.

What about you? Which places would you choose if you were able to go on a trip like this?

19 thoughts on “Where would you go?

  1. luciledegodoy

    Loved your post. Made me smile because I was just saying that I would love to spend a year away traveling. May be it will happen if we talk about that. And maybe we also win all those millions! LOL.
    My choices would be: Iceland. Russia (St. Petersburg and Moscow). Egypt (The Pyramids). South Africa (Cape Town and a road trip). Australia (visit Desley in Brisbane, other finds in Sydney and also many more places. I need two months there). Vietnam. Cambodia. Thailand. Tibet. Japan. Peru (Machu Picchu). Chile (Patagonia and Atacama desert).
    I may need to win more millions!


      1. luciledegodoy

        Yes. Am aware of it. That’s why I need to win the lottery twice.
        I’ve been in Asia a lot for my job but not on vacations.
        Still not tempted to join the photo rehab? Would you rather have a theme?


      2. perelincolors

        Oh, I am tempted for sure! But we just moved and I barely manage to do anything for the blog between driving from Italy to Berlin, carrying boxes, unpacking boxes, reassembling furniture, noticing that we miss a thousand things to make this place a home and trying to set up a new computer for blogging (it is super nice and fancy but it has Windows 8.1 and I dislike it so much that I need to install Linux). But I will challenge myself to make a contribution this week, I really have to tend better to the blog again!


  2. lexklein

    I love this idea for a post! I can’t even answer because it would take too long to think of all my places and when to go. I do dream of living 3 months at a time in different places all over the world when I retire. You choices are great!


    1. perelincolors

      Your retirement plan sounds great! It’s tempting to adopt the same plan, but it’s too early for me – I shouldn’t spend the next three decades longing for retirement! Do you have a dream where to spend your first 3 months?


      1. lexklein

        It’s actually quite early for me to be thinking about this, too! Haha – I just love dreaming about travel! One of my aunts inherited a house on the island of Crete so that would be an inexpensive, beautiful place to start!


  3. Eugenia

    What a lovely post, you make me dream. I think leaving from Athens I would like to go south to Egypt and then Jordan, cross Oman too; off to Burma, Laos and Hanoi in Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand; then Peru and Bolivia through Lake Titicaca – I think I have lost count though…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cate

    What a great idea! There are lots of cities I could easily spend at least a month in.

    In no particular order (as I’d need to research the best times to go and how the trip fitted together) my first draft is:
    Barcelona (Spain)
    Gaberone (Botswana)
    Paphos (Cyprus)
    Havana (Cuba)
    Derby (UK)
    Quebec (Canada)
    Paris (France)
    Auckland (New Zealand)
    Tokyo (Japan)
    Buenos Aires (Argentina)
    Copenhagen (Denmark)
    Bangkok (Thailand)

    Thanks for giving me an excuse to dream about another twelve month sojourn while still in the midst of one!


  5. Cate

    I grew up in Derbyshire and if I were to stay in 12 cities in a year, I would like to spend a month near my family. I have never spent much time in Derby and it is well placed for travelling to other places in the UK, hence its inclusion!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. perelincolors

      That’s a very nice thought to devote some time to being near your family and roots. Lucky me that I live close enough to where I come from – if I didn’t, I’d now feel bad about having chosen only far-away places.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. lovetotrav

    I am a tad travel obsessed so this is a game I play with my family a lot and yes, it drives them crazy. Cambodia for sure (lived there before, loved it), Uganda, Turkey, Israel, India (have travelled but would love to live there), Guatemala (same as India), Burma and I can’t decide the rest. It is always so hard… just like when you are deciding your next destination. Hope you get to make some of yours true. Happy travels, Cheryl


    1. perelincolors

      Your picks sound great! I’d love to travel to India one day, but only if I have enough time to take it slowly. And Israel, too.
      We did get to go to one of the places on my list lately (Seoul) and it was great.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lovetotrav

        Yes, India requires sloooooooow travel. I hope to get to Israel soon as we hope to move to Egypt this summer so some destinations will be closer then. Glad you liked Seoul. I did too.


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